Welcome to the Dance Circle!
Let these dances become a life giving path, an adventure, your own
peace of mind, or VINDAFRID, as we would say using an old Norse word.
Experience joy, beauty and energy in loving community with
Dances of Universal Peace
The Dances of Universal Peace
are a part of the timeless tradition of sacred circle dancing with
inspiration from living words - prayers, phrases and mantras - from the
whole world. Sound, breathing, and body awareness form a basis for the
circle. The loving encounter with others, with your own inner self,
with sacred earth and with the most Beloved One - which the mystics sometimes call the creative source - permeates the dances. Dancing itself may become an
expression of our intrinsic yearning for deep, inner peace and a
peaceful and fruitful being together with one another.

Some of the dances' themes are compassion, forgiveness, connectedness with living sacred nature and divine power and beauty.

The Dances of Universal Peace incorporate singing with dancing, often to
simple accompaniment and live music. Some dances are lively and dynamic,
while others are peaceful and meditative.
The emphasis is on expression of the heart. The dances may be
experienced as a meditation in movement, a harmonious body prayer, a
pleasant and enjoyable moment for one´s own personal development and
inner growth. They also form a natural part of open religious dialogue.
To learn about the dances and their history, have a look at Dances of Universal Peace web site
Contact Cajsa
Dancing with the Aramaic Jesus
There are many profound and delightful Dances derived from Yeshua's/Jesus'
words in his own mother tongue - Aramaic. You may encounter the dance
cycle of the Lord's Prayer, the "I am" sayings, the Beatitudes and other
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